Sunday, September 24, 2017

Work for Monday, Sept. 25th

I am attending to family matters today so have prepared a list of activities and information to share with you while I am gone.   We will have a guest teacher and I expect you to be polite and demonstrate EXCELLENT behavior.

  1. Use the Chromebook and Check Powerschool
    • Look at your test grade.
      The overall class performance was excellent.  The test results are evidence that most students understood the information in our first unit, kept good notes, and were able to master this test.  Way to Go!
    • Look for missing assignments.
      A few students turned in assignments without their name written on them.  If you did not have a name on your assignment, were absent, or forgot to turn in an assignment Powerschool will show a flag indicating a missing assignment.
  2. Correct and Return, or turn in if you Forgot or were Absent, any assignments missing in PowerSchool.
    • You should add your name, correct the assignment before turning it in, then hand it in to the bin to receive credit.
  3. Tape or Glue Metric Mania into your notebook (With a Title and Date on the entry). Make sure that the STEPS for METRIC CONVERSIONS are easily read.  You can use these notes in the future whenever you need to do metric conversions.
Log on the chromebook, open Gizmo then launch the "Seasons in 3D" Gizmo and complete the assessment.
    • The assessment is below the Gizmo.  Drag two fingers from the top toward the bottom of the touchpad of your chromebook to scroll down to the assessment.  The picture at the right shows the assessment questions are below the Gizmo.
    • You may work together with one other student while taking the assessment, but all students must complete the assessment so that I can see results for each student on Gizmo.
Begin the 5E Measuring Lab
  • We are starting a lab on measuring today.  The first three activities to do are 
    • Watch It
    • Read It
    • Research It.
  • The directions for each activity are taped on the table.  There are some spare copies if you move around, but please return the directions to the appropriate table when you complete the activity.
  • The answers for these activities should be recorded on the MEASUREMENT lab answer sheet.  Each student will have their own copy of the answer sheet.  Please place the answer sheet in the bin at the end of class.  I know you may not get done with all three activities today but that is OK because we will continue working on this lab tomorrow.  
Remember that I expect you to have EXCELLENT behavior for the Guest Teacher.  If you get done early please sit quietly at your table and read, do homework for another class, or some other non disruptive activity.   You MAY NOT listen to music on your cell phones or IPods.

Have a Good Day and I'll be back tomorrow,

Mr. Delemeester

Thursday, September 21, 2017

Autumn Arrives!

September 22nd is the First day of Autumn.  Students in Science 7 prepared for fall with a mini lesson on the equinox...

The Reasons for Seasons

A new tool we used during this lesson was "Gizmo".  Hopefully this new tool will help us better understand the significance of the change in seasons that occurs at 4:02 pm.

Thursday, September 7, 2017


Mini Lesson: Hurricanes    

It's Hurricane season! According to the National Weather Service the hurricane season in the Northern Hemisphere lasts from June through November. As you are reading this one of the most powerful hurricanes ever recorded is heading towards the U.S. Lets take this opportunity to learn more about hurricanes. 

Your group will create a poster about hurricanes with four quadrants. Each group member is responsible for one of the quadrants. The topic and requirements for each quadrant is listed below.

  1. Assign a topic to each member of the group
  2. Research your topic and find information
  3. Create a panel on a half sheet of blank paper. Each member must put their name on their panel. 
  4. When completed, glue your panel onto the poster board in your quadrant. 
  5. Assemble poster; it should have a title and be neat and easy to read. 

Quadrants (Topics)
  1. MAP: Hurricane PathYou will be provided with a map of the world.   Using the illustration on page 105 in "A Golden Guide to Weather" shade the areas where hurricanes form and draw arrows to show the direction in which the hurricanes travel.  Read the section titled 'Sources and Paths of Hurricanes' on page 105  and write a short summary underneath your map.
  2. DRAW: Energy and FormationInformation on this topic can be found on pages 104-110 in "A Golden Guide to Weather" and on page 19 in "Hurricane!" Using the information on these pages and the diagram on page 9 of "Hurricane!" draw a diagram of hurricane formation.
  3. DISCOVER: Hurricane IrmaThis task requires mapping and researching skills.  Use the Atlantic basin hurricane tracking map to sketch the current predicted path of hurricane Irma. You may use Google to look at images of the path - make sure to check how old they are!  Use a Chromebook locate recent news articles about Irma and answer the following questions:
    1. What category hurricane is Irma?
    2. Where in Carribean did Irma make landfall?
    3. What are the sustained wind speeds in Irma?
    4. What is the significance of Irma? What makes it stand out from previous hurricanes
  4. FIND: Hurricane FactsThis task requires reading for information.  Using “A Golden Guide to Weather” pgs 104-110 and internet search engines, answer the Hurricane Facts Questions.  Restate the question in your answer.  List your answers in bullet point form on your panel in a neat and organized manner.

          Monday, September 4, 2017

          Welcome Back!

          Welcome Back!

          baked pumpkin for pie, soup and a side dish
          I had a great holiday weekend completing some barnyard repairs, gathering with family and friends, mowing the lawn, harvesting some early pumpkins and grilling red peppers!

          I'm ready to get back to school and hope you are too.

          We will begin today by reviewing our assignments on Powerschool and talking about our Scientific Method Lab from last week.

          Your first assignment today has two steps...
          grilled red peppers to add zest to our meals

          1. Review Powerschool and finish (or make a note in your planner to finish) any overdue or late assignments.
          Choose two of the Scientific Method lab activities that you liked best and paste them into your science notebook.

          - remember to use the
          • Lab Notebook format 
          • and use the front and back of each page in your notebook.