Sunday, August 20, 2017

Welcome to Science 7

Welcome back to School and to Science Class!

I hope you had a good break. I am interested in hearing what you did over the summer!  On the first day of school Mr. Delemeester and the students will answer warm-up questions and then use the warmup answers to share their names and an interesting fact about themselves.  After we introduce ourselves we will navigate to and look at some of the topics we will be studying in Science Class this year and review class procedures and teacher expectations.

We will also discuss how Mr. Berthiaume (the Superintendent of New Lothrop Area Public Schools) and Ms. Kuchar, (our new High School Principal) have agreed to allow some time during class to try innovative Science Technology Engineering and Math (STEM) enrichment activities.

Our goal for the first two days of class will be to become familiar with each other, gain an overview of science class, become introduced to the classroom rules and teacher expectations, and to think about something special and challenging that we can do this year.

We will watch a video published by Gallit Zvi, an elementary school teacher and Vice Principal in Surrey, British Columbia, Canada and review a list of  idea starters provided by a teacher named Denise Krebs who currently teaches English to 5th Grade Students in Bahrain (don't know where that is?  Google It!).

I would like students to consider things we could do with our special time...
  • Write a Novel
  • Share Your Knowledge
  • Design a Video Game
  • Build a Killer Robot
  • Direct a Blockbuster Movie
  • Compose a Symphony
  • Change the World
Some questions we should ask about ourselves and the world around us are...
  • What new idea do you want to develop?
  • What have you been wanting to try?
  • What skill can you master?
  • What tool can you learn that will help you work better?
  • What tool could help you create something beautiful?
  • What tool could help you communicate better?
  • How can we make it better?
  • How can we make each other better?
  • How do we know this to be so?
  • Is this what is needed most?
  • What is it we hope to accomplish and what’s stopping us?
  • What are we most proud of?
  • What is possible?
  • When can we start?
  • How will we prevent failure?
  • How can we make this happen?
  • Who can make this happen?
  • What do we regret most?
  • How can we make the best use of…?
  • What if we…?
Finally I want students to investigate the STEM Enrichment section at and look at the opportunities that we would like to offer students this year.  Spend 10 to 15 minutes investigating any of the links on my website that you find interesting and discuss them with Mr. Delemeester and your classmates.

The assignments for the first two days of school are to review the syllabus and expectations documents handed out in class with their parents and return them signed, and to think of something special to do this year and add a comment about it to this blog post.


  1. genius hour sounds fun

  2. I'd like to learn more about coding and building robots to help out people around the world.

  3. My favorite part was the stop motion movies that seems awesome plus the computer building and dismantling. Over all great vid! :D ***** 5 starz

  4. I have always wanted to build a computer.

  5. genius hour sounds very fun, I would love to do it!

  6. building robots and three d printing also designing video games

  7. I want to be in science Olympiad again, i would also like to be on the VEX robot team, I think that would be very fun.

  8. the instructables and robotics sound fun

  9. i think it would be a great learning experience to do Genius Hour, because it would be better for most people and easier to write/learn about a topic that you enjoy, rather than what a topic a teacher enjoys.

  10. It would be more fun to learn interesting things that you want to learn about instead of being bored while you learn something you don't.

  11. this sounds awsome

  12. Some thing I would like to do this year is the genius hour. I think it would be fun to research about what ever you want to.

  13. I would like to do 3D printing

  14. I`d like to do VEX robotics because I really like the idea of making my own ideas come to life

  15. Genious hour sounds fun.

  16. I would like to work with robotics, robots, environmental.

  17. Genius hour is to come up with anything you want and build it if you put you mind to it. For example, I want to have a sports computer. A sports computer is where I would build a computer that only plays sports games and lets you watch a sport game

  18. This year, I would like to build a robot. I think it would be a great class project, and it would be fun for everyone. I also think a 3D printer would be cool

  19. This year I would like to go on a nature walk

  20. build a gun that fires nonlethal projectiles.

  21. More science experements because they are a lot more fun than normal learning

  22. I want to do Genius Hour.

  23. I would like to learn more about the solar system and space. I am very fascinated with Astronomy and the solar system

  24. i would like to learn about 3D painting and robotics

  25. I would like to learn about robotics and 3-D printing.

  26. Some of the things I want to do this year are to build and program our own robots and code.

  27. I think it might be fun to make a movie, or something similar, T.J.

  28. This year in science i would like to learn about robotics and environmental things.

  29. I would like to do 3-d printing.

  30. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Reminder to students... Please do not give your full names when adding comments to this blog :)

  31. i would love to be in robotics

  32. i will love to do 3D printing.

  33. I'd would like to learn about 3-D Printing

  34. i want to make stop motion videos

  35. I'd like to do 3-D printing this year. -Nick Locatelli

  36. 3D printing would be awesome

  37. I'd like to be able to do 3D printing

  38. i would like to learn 3D printing

  39. this geunious hour sounds very interesting

  40. i'd like to do 3-d printing

  41. I would like to do 3-d printer

  42. 3D printing sounds fun and I can't wait to learn how

  43. i would like to learn 3D printing

  44. I would like to do the killer robot

  45. i would like to do 3d printing

  46. It would be cool to build a robot.

  47. i would love to make a "killer robot".

  48. I would like to do 3-d printing!!!!!!!!!!!!:)

  49. id like to do 3d printing

  50. I would like to build a robot.

  51. I would like to do 3-D printing

  52. I would like to do 3D printing

  53. ya this sounds cool

  54. i would like to try 3D printing

  55. i'd like to try 3D printing

  56. i would like to make a robot and do 3D printing

  57. i would like to do 3D printing

  58. I would like to nature walk

  59. I want to make some stop motion videos

  60. I would like to do 3D printing and the nature walk
